Submit a publication
The file for each article must contain, in the order indicated, the following elements.
Title with capital letters only to the first word and proper names, no line breaks, no trailing dots.
First and last name, in that order, lower case except initials;
academic titles;
Institutional affiliation: research unit or service (abbreviation or acronym), institution of attachment, city, country (indicate only one institution and specify if necessary in the expanded presentation);
E-mail address (institutional, preferably), composed in lowercase:
Abstract about 1,000 characters. This abstract must show the theme, the problem and the
results of the contribution. It respects the punctuation rules of each language.
Key words
Indicate 5 keywords, separated by commas. Do not use capital letters, full stops, quotation marks, or italics. We draw your attention to the fact that the keywords are intended to allow transversal queries in the corpus of articles. This is to facilitate relevant comparisons in the perspective of the journal.
The length of the articles is not predefined, although we consider that 40,000 characters, including spaces and notes/ 6000 words, represent a common limit.
Use Georgia font, size 12, single spaced.
Do not use macro commands in word processors.
Do not use special formatting: in particular avoid indents, highlighting, underlining, colors, page breaks, section or line breaks, text condensation and hyphenation. Bold is reserved for intertitles. Italics are reserved for quotations and words in a foreign language.
For enumerations, use dashes (no bullets or arrows) and introduce indents only for nested lists.
Identify clearly headings (bold, italics, different font sizes, numbering I, A, B, II, etc.). Use no more than two levels of headings.
Number continuous note calls (using the automatic note insertion function, if you are working in a word processor). Place footnotes. Do not place footnotes in titles.
Do not number the pages.
For references to bibliographic references, respect the style of the journal (see below).
Bibliographic references are all referred to in the text by means of a footnote (Chicago A style). The authors will take care to use the abbreviations ibid., op. cit., loc. cit., et alii, etc.
The presentation rules are as follows:
First name NAME, Title: subtitle, Place of publication, Publisher, year of publication, number of pages.
In case of multiple authors, only cite the first 3 authors and add the mention et alii.
Collective work published under the direction of one or more authors
First name NAME (dir.), Title: subtitle, Place of publication, Publisher, year of publication, number of pages.
Chapter of a book
First name NAME, “Title of the chapter”, in Title of the work, Place of publication, Publisher, year of publication, start page-end page.
Printed Journal article
First name NAME , “Title of the article”, Title of the journal, volume, number, date of publication, start page-end page.
Online journal article
First name NAME, “Title of the article”, Title of the journal, number, date of publication, [online].
Academic writings
First name NAME, Title. Document status (dissertation, thesis). Place of defence : institution of defence, year of defence, number of pages.
Web ressource
First name NAME, "Title", date, Name of website, [Online], available on : URL link
The illustrations (tables, graphs, figures, photographs) and their legends, as well as the boxes, are inserted in the text following their call. Illustrations should be numbered in Arabic numerals (“Figure 1”).
Systematically add a title before the illustration.
Place any captions below the illustrations.
Mention precisely the source or the credits following the caption, under the illustration.
Image files will be provided separately, in PNG or JPEG format. Their resolution must be 300 DPI.
The author must obtain authorization to reproduce any document (table, graph, figure, photograph) already published, from the holder of the reproduction rights publisher or author).
Avoid overly complex tables and cells containing a lot of text.
All illustrations must take into account that the printed version of the journal is in black and white.
The quotation is introduced by a colon and consists of one or more complete sentences, and the end points of the citing sentence and the quoted sentence coincide: initial capital; a single trailing period, placed inside the quotation marks.
The quoting sentence extends beyond the quote, including in the case of a parenthesis: no period in the quote.
Deletions of text within a quotation are indicated by an ellipsis in square brackets; brackets and ellipses are in roman type. -
When the original quotation is in a foreign language, a translation made by you should be included in parentheses, introduced with quotation marks. Similarly, when you choose to translate a quotation, the original version should be included in parentheses, introduced with quotation marks.
Position of the footnote in the text
The note call in the text is placed
The bibliographical references are all called in the text. The calls refer to a list placed at the end of the article. These references are presented in alphabetical order.
Special case of reviews
As it is important to distinguish what relates to the synthesis of a book from your critical contribution, when sentences synthesize elements of the listed book, it is advisable to indicate the related pagination in parentheses at the end of the relevant development.
However, a review cannot be limited to a summary of a book. A discussion of the scientific contribution of the book concerned and a methodological consideration (relation to sources, for example), even epistemological when possible, are expected. It will be appreciated to mobilize references in order to corroborate or refute the developments of the book which would not have been used by it.
Accented capitals
Uppercase should be accented wherever lowercase would be.
Lowercase initial
Write “university” and not “University” in the case of a particular institution. “University” means the academic institution as a whole.
Write “license”, “master”, “doctorate”.
Do not capitalize the names of disciplines or fields of research: “history”, “digital humanities”, etc.
Use quotation marks to introduce quotations.
Reserve italics for quotations, Latin or foreign expressions, titles of works, reviews, etc., which are cited in the text. Any element calling italic in a set set in roman will be set to roman in a set set in italic. On the other hand, in an element requiring italics, such as a title of work, an element also requiring italics will not be put in roman, but will remain in italic
Compose in roman type the names of institutions, training courses, brands, algorithms, software and other computer tools (libraries, modules, packages, plugins or extensions).
Type in italics the names of research projects, the names of Internet sites and the titles of blogs except when they are assimilated to institutions (eg: Twitter).
Abbreviations and acronyms
Expand each abbreviation or acronym to the first occurrence. Write abbreviations and acronyms without abbreviations.
Spaces, apostrophes, exponents
Non-breaking space in front of the colon, semicolon, question mark, exclamation point, and percent sign (:;?!%).
No space before comma and period (, .).
Non-breaking spaces inside French quotation marks (“”).
No spaces inside square brackets, parentheses and braces ([] () {}).
Non-breaking space after initials of abbreviated names, e.g. for page, no for number, t. for volume, vol. for volume, fo for folio.
Do not introduce a non-breaking space before or after the dashes.
Centuries, millennia, periods
Centuries in Roman numerals in small capitals, followed by the suffix in superscript and in Roman (“19th century”). Millennials in large capitals (“Third millennium”).
Period names: capitalize “Antiquity” and “Middle Ages”.
Computer vocabulary and spelling of URLs
Write format names (abbreviations or not) in capitals: PDF, JPG, HTML, XML, TXT, MD, SKOS, etc. – except when citing a URL or a file name with its extension (“robots.txt”).
Never add "s" in the plural: a PDF, PDFs; a URL, URLs.
For the names of computer languages and related names, respect the usual spelling: GitHub, GitLab, MySQL, PostgreSGL, PHP, Python, JavaScript, CSS, Django, etc.
Do not put a slash after a domain name, nor after a URL that ends with an extension (.html, .php, etc.). Systematically put a slash in the other cases.
Punctuate normally after a URL (full stop or other sign).
The final criterion is of course that the URLs work.
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