
The first academic journal on intelligence and cyber in France
A unique platform offering French-speaking academics and practitioners a demanding publication in their language and in English. Bringing together multiple disciplines in the field, EFRC is the medium for the dissemination of French intelligence and cyber studies. EFRC's vocation is to create and animate a strategic ecosystem to think and renew the analytical grids of a field that is by definition secret and closed. It offers the best academic standards and is therefore based on independent scientific committee.

Scientific committee
Professor of contemporary history at the University of Paris-Sorbonne,
one of the first scholars to have worked on the domain intelligence in France
PU. Wolfgang KRIEGER (Allemagne)
PR. Peter JACKSON (Royaume-Uni)
PA. Damien VAN PUYVELDE (Pays-Bas)

Expert Committee
Sebastien-Yves LAURENT
Historian and political scientist, University Professor at the Faculty of Law and Political Science of Bordeaux, Director of the Montesquieu Research Institute and associated researcher at Centre d'histoire de Sciences Po, he very early on worked on state action in the field of intelligence and today devotes himself in particular to the issues of governance and conflict in Cyberspace.
​Patrick CALVAR
Antoine CREUX
Phillipe HAYEZ
Christophe SUPTIL
Jean-Pierre PALASSET

Association Support team
Floran Vadillo
Jean Leviste
Sacha Molesini
General Secretary
Alexandre Papaemmanuel
Private Sector Executive
Teacher at Sciences Po
Co-author of "Les espions de l'Elysée"
Private Sector Executive
Public Service Executive
Private Sector Executive
Teacher at Sciences Po
Co-author of "Les espionsde l'Elysée"

Submit a publication
Intelligence and Cyber French Studies (EFRC) accepts all proposals for original work related to the fields of intelligence and cyber. EFRC publishes two issues per year.
Each issue is composed of :
Two topics (a major theme with a minimum of 6 articles, a minor theme with a minimum of 3 articles) ;
Varia section for which contributors are free to choose the theme. A free contribution can be published in this section or be retained for a dossier in progress;
A “Reading notes” section composed of reviews of recently published works in the fields of the journal.
A “Scientific news” section which traces recent academic activities in the fields of the journal.
An author can submit either a written article, or a proposal (200 words maximum), or a proposal for a Reading note, in French or English, to contact@etudesfrc.com with "Proposal" in the subject line. The proposal file must be in ODT (OpenOffice and LibreOffice) or DOCX (Microsoft Word) format. The author will take care to mention his diplomas and university affiliation.
If the article is signed by more than one person, the person submitting the proposal must state in the accompanying email that he or she has obtained the agreement of all co-authors of the text to act on their behalf.
The EFRC Editorial Committee receives proposals and papers.
If the proposal is deemed eligible, the Editorial Committee invites the author to submit the article/the reading note (between 10 and 20 000 characters including spaces).
2. If the article (40 000 characters including spaces).is within the scope of the journal, has academic merit, is original, has not been published and is not being evaluated by another journal, the President of the Scientific Committee appoints two rapporteurs who will give their opinion without knowing the name of the author of the contribution (double-blind evaluation). They will be chosen to minimize the links between the reviewer and the author. Based on these evaluations, the Editorial Committee, which is open to all members of the Scientific Committee who have been informed in advance and have received all the documents, decides whether to accept the articles or to reject them, or to request a revised version, with or without an additional external evaluation cycle.
The final accepted papers are edited and translated (into English or French). At the same time, EFRC sends the author a contract by e-mail to be returned as soon as possible. Proofs are sent to the authors, whose corrections are integrated to produce the final versions. Upon publication, the author will receive a copy of the journal.

The French Intelligence and Cyber Studies have a Partners Committee in charge of establishing a close link between the French Intelligence and Cyber Studies and the public intelligence policy ecosystem, their services and the field expert. The Partners Committee is informed of all the activities of French Intelligence and Cyber Studies. It can make proposals, observations and recommendations. It participates in defining the association action plan.
It is thanks to your support that French Intelligence and Cyber Studies produces, publishes, promotes and disseminates a journal devoted to public policy on intelligence, specialized intelligence services and related activities, as well as to the cyber domain and its ecosystem. Your donation supports the animation of a specialized intelligence and cyber ecosystem. Donation method via contact@etudesfrc.com


Membership entitles you to :
A paper copy of each issue of the journal (2/year).
Free access to the journal's digital services.
A preferential rate to buy former issues (25 euros each)
Free access to events organized by EFRC (presentation of the published issue, major testimonials, conferences, debates, R&D workshops, etc.).
The annual subscription is :
110 € for individuals.
50 € for student.
The professional subscription, upon contact, is :
500 € for university libraries and universities (5 copies + digital profiles).
1000 € for legal entities with less than 500 employees (10 copies + 20 digital profiles).
2000 € for legal entities with more than 500 employees (25 copies + 50 digital profiles).
3000 € for legal entities with more than 1000 employees (50 copies + 100 digital profiles).
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